NITI Ayurveda

Sjogren’s Syndrome

Sjogren's Syndrome

Sjorgren’s Syndrome is a chronic auto-immune disease which is characterized by persistent dryness in eyes and mouth. As per western medicine it is believed to be of genetic origin and also associated with certain environmental factors, however in Ayurveda this disease is very well understandable and treatable. In Ayurveda this disease is known as Jeerna Rukshata , which is caused by aggravated Vata( Vaayu) Dosha.

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As per Ayurveda , there are multiple factors that may cause Sjogren’s syndrome
  • Long time exposure to excessive cold and dry environment.
  • Over eating & lack of physical activity.
  • Sleeping in day time.
  • Improper bowel clearing.
  • Chronic flatulance & bloating.
  • Thyroid disorders.( Hyperthyroidism often trigger dryness)
  • Sleeping late night or being awake whole night.
  • Stress and depressive illness.
  • Consuming excess of alcohol.
  • Genetic disorders & herediatry factors.
  • Regular consumption of dry & packed food for long time.


If not treated properly Sjogren’s syndrome may lead to
  • Keratoconjunctivitis sicca which is chronic dryness of eyes which may lead to impaired vision.
  • Dryness on whole body and discoloration of skin.
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Cryoglobulinemia , in which certain protein gets accumulated in blood stream.
  • Sjorgren’s syndrome in pregnant womens may lead to  neonatal lupus erythematosus or congenital heart disease.
  • Sjorgen’s syndrome may also appear as a secondary manifestation of certain autoimmune diseases like lupus(SLE), Fibromyalgia, Celiac disease, Multiple Sclerosis,Autoimmune thyroiditis, Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Spondyarthropathy.


The treatment of Sjogren’s syndrome based on the root cause of the disease. Different individuals have different root cause .The primary line of treatment includes the identification of the root cause, whether it is environmental , emotional /psychological or related to food and certain other disease. The secondary line of treatment includes the removal of root cause and restoring the normal metabolic functioning of the body. Generally patient feels about 60-85 % improvement in first 6 months of their treatment. The treatment may last for 1 year to 2 year, in which patient need to follow a certain type of diet & lifestyle. The overall improvement rate depends on the age of the patient and chronicity of the disease.

What is Ritu Rasayanam?

Niti Ayurveda is founded by a team of most professional ayurvedic physicians who treat thousands of patients every year for more than a decade. Our Ayurvedic physician is equipped with a phenomenal understanding of Ayurvedic Treatment methodologies and extensive experience in treating patients.

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