Get Super tips For the Coming Autumn / Sharad Ritu

Get Super tips For the Coming Autumn / Sharad Ritu
Sharad Ritu Or Autumn
This particular Ritu/ Season the accumulated Pitta dosha in the body got aggravated, so we need to be aware that what we should eat and what we must avoid.
Do’s & Don’t
Do not eat anything oily or fried as it blocks the microchannels of the body and increases the Pitta Dosha.
Do not eat any kind of cheese.
Do not eat fish and seafood as it causes serious health hazard in this particular season.
Avoid direct exposure to easterlies.
Avoid day sleeping as it may cause serious digestive and skeletal disorders.
If possible eat only two time in a day and that too in less quantity.
Do not eat curd.
Keep water in a copper vessel out in open for a whole day and night and then consume this water next day. It is called Hansodaka, which provides a phenomenal healing energy and Positiveness.